Important people of the Fortress of Diversity (Feste der Vielfalt)
The Fortress of Diversity is an army of volunteers with military and civilian responsibilities. Get to know the most important people, the leaders of the Feste and the individual combat banners, as well as other important IT contacts.
The Kommandantur is the heart of the Feste, where all threads come together. It is a good place to ask questions if you are looking for a task or want to talk to the leaders.
Kaela, Storm of the Fortress
Leader and Commander of the Fortress of Diversity
The commander of the fortress, also called “The Storm”, has come a long way, from her first campaign as a common warrior to her place at the heart of the fortress. Even without her distinctive war paint, Kaela’s appearance is unmistakably that of a warrior, and those who actually don’t know her will quickly find someone who does. As the leader of a volunteer army, her main task is to command on the battlefield, but apart from that, too, all strings ultimately come together at the Celt. Kaela organises, negotiates, delegates and takes care of the concerns of the members of the fortress, not rarely leaving her place in the commandant’s office to get a first-hand impression of the challenges ahead. In this way, she is not only close to the Feste, but also always a part of it.
Antiochos Apameiou, Adjutant
Adjutant of the Storm of the Fortress
Antiochos is from Lakyra and received extensive military training there, including both tactics and combat. In the Fortress of Diversity (Feste der Vielfalt), he initially served as part of the guard, but then began to support the Kommandantur (Commandery) with his tactical knowledge. In the meantime, it is hard to imagine the Kommandantur without him, as he is the adjutant of Kaela, the commander and leader of the Feste, and has become an important support for the Storm of the Fortress. He therefore has a good overview of the Feste – and also usually knows where to find Kaela at any given moment. Antiochos can be recognized not only by his distinctive black leather armor with the pteryges, but also by his raven wing, which he carries with him as a fan.
Mr.Quinn, First of the Research Council
Coordination of knowledge seekers
Mr. Quinn is a knowledge-seeker, an explorer and a doctor. He comes from the Old World, which he turned his back on to discover something new. The many years he spent at sea have left their mark on his life. Driven by a strong thirst for knowledge and the urge to solve problems, no mystery is too big for him. He is a trained consul of Mythodea and First of the Research Council of the Fortress of Diversity (Feste der Vielfalt). Mr. Quinn is always willing to answer any question about Mitraspera and shares his knowledge with anyone who asks. He is recognisable by his distinctive hat, maritime attire and his unquenchable thirst for knowledge and rum.
Arianna Goldstern, First of the Kommandantur (Commandery)
Leader of the Kommandantur (Commandery)
Arianna comes from the small country of Leuenmark and came to Mitraspera in the year 14. a.d. with the “Bunten Haufen”. She is a trained doctor and master of alchemy. Over the years, the continent of Mitraspera became Arianna’s second home and she began to gather more and more knowledge about the history and present of the continent, and beyond that, the entire world of Mythodea. In 16 a.d., Arianna joined the Fortress of Diversity (Feste der Vielfalt) and was eventually elected deputy to the then civilian leadership of the Feste. In the meantime, Arianna is in charge of the Kommandantur (Commandery), where she is responsible for the coordination, organization, compilation and distribution of knowledge. She accomplishes this task together with many energetic helpers and also Tovak, with whom she compiles all available information after expeditions and/or campaigns so that no knowledge is lost.
Graf William, Lord of Helmsley, Master of war
Strategist of the Fortress of Diversity and Tactician of the Banner of Discovery
In addition to the title of earl and the lands, Sir William also inherited the post of military advisor to his king’s crown council, but when he is not needed there, he travels the lands in search of challenges and to perfect his skills. Lord William may be more soldier than nobleman, but he is by no means a mercenary, but a knight by conviction! So seven years ago, as a military advisor, he came into the service of the army command of the Fortress der Vielfalt (Fortress of Diversity). There he got to know and appreciate the army commander Kaela and spontaneously pledged his loyalty to her. Since then, his duties have included: Tactical planning, training and coordination, as well as informing the troops, passing on orders in maneuvers and on the battlefield. In the Commandery (Kommandantur), he receives information of a military nature for the army commander, regularly informs his own troops about the current situation and planned operations. He introduces new individual soldiers or groups to the structure and hierarchy within the Feste and helps them to find a suitable and meaningful integration. Whenever there is time, he is always available for questions and also gives tips on all military matters. William can be recognized by his knightly equipment in the colors red/white, as well as by the family crest of the white lion on a red background.
Rignack Malar, Second in Command oft the Militar
Second in command of the military
Crossing mythodea for years (since the 6th year after the discovery), he started as a simple mercenary, working for the company Caradoc, and climbed ranks years after years. Reaching the position of Captain of the Caradoc brang him so close to the Kommandantur that he got elected as Stellvertretenden Heerführer (Second in Command) to help Kaela. His tasks are acting as support for the commander of the fortress, and being her replacement when she is missing or her fury send her away from the battlefield. He can easily be recognised by his red coat, his sunburns and his evening naps in the Kommandantur(from which he should be woken up)
The military of the Feste is divided into different combat banners. These are often named after colors and have their own, often humorous battle cries.
Migosch, Captain of the Guard
Leader of the Guard
Migosch Tharson is a warrior of the Solis-Order of the Golden Tendrils and captain of the guard of the Fortress of Diversity. Migosch originally came from the far north,but has found his home and faith in the lands of the Leuenmark. He belongs to the Order of the Gold Tendrils, who fight for Solis, the God of Justice, and for all that is good. Migosh is a kind, fatherly man who listens well, gives comfort, is a rock of strength and who also likes to drink a mug of ale in good company. When he is in Mythodea, he is the captain of the guard of the Fortress of Diversity and, along with the guardsmen, protects the leaders on the battlefield and in the camp. Where the storm goes, there the Guard follows, loyal and ready to fight to the last. Migosh can be recognised by his blue and white garment, decorated with the symbol of his faith, the lion, which he wears on his waistband cap. He always has a watchful eye and invites you to ask him for help at any time.
Amarok, Banner Leader of the Purple Banner
Leader of the Purple Combat Banner
Amarok comes from a land called Druathor, where he worked as a city guard in the capital city Zon Balad’Dur. After the land was overrun by the undead, the survivors retreated to the Kelvidar Forest of the Gods and founded the Guardians of Kelvidar. In the 14th year a.d., Amarok and his companions moved to Mythodea in search of a new home. They joined the Fortress of Diversity (Feste der Vielfalt) and fight passionately to this day as part of the Purple Banner in the army of the Feste. In the 16th year a.d., Amarok took over the leadership of the Purple Combat Banner. Outside of campaigns, he also takes on diplomatic tasks. He can be recognized by his red coat with the fur collar, the scars on his face and the grumpy look.
Tristan Mcbride, Banner Leader of the Red Banner
Leader of the Red Combat Banner
Als Abkömmling einer der zahlreichen Adelsfamilien von „Golden“, einer prosperierenden Hafenstadt auf dem Kontinent „Umbra“, wurde Tristan bereits in jungen Jahren in die Intrigen und Ränke seiner und anderer Familien verwickelt, was zu guter Letzt dazu führte, dass er seine Heimat verlassen musste. Im Jahr 17 n.d.E. schloss er sich mit einer Gruppe von Abenteurern und Weltverbesserern, den „Ährenhaften“, der Feste der Vielfalt an und half als stellvertretender Bannerführer, unter der Führung von Baron Marvin von Westerhold, dabei das neugegründete Rote Banner zu führen. Baron von Westerhold legte inzwischen sein Amt als roter Bannerführer ab und empfahl Tristan als Nachfolger, eine Ehre der er dankend einwilligte. Tristan trägt einen roten Harnisch, so wie rot-/schwarzen Schild mit Schachbrettmuster und dem goldenen Löwen, das Wappen des Hauses Mcbride.
Fourme d'Ambert, Banner Leader of the Golden Banner
Leader of the Golden Combat Banner
Fourme D’Ambert, Marquis de Sauvignon, Leader of the Golden Banner of the Feste der Vielfalt is the beloved nobility head of the Sauvignon expedition in Mitraspera His delightful presence is brightening the day of everybody that is crossing his road. He spent his youth perfecting his taste for good wine and cheese. In a few words he is an expert in all the simple pleasures that life can offer. Some might call him lazy but he prefer to explain this as a perfect “art de vivre” His fine instinct kept him out of trouble for years and he is fully dedicated to guide all of his suite to be the pinnacle of positive experiences on the battlefield. You will always find around him some bards, painters, sommeliers, and all the good people needed to have a perfect enjoyment even in the worst situation. Living his life day to day, guided by the easy path, although we need to admit that he is a bit useless in most situations, the Marquis is becoming more and more essential for all the Feste.
Abel, banner leader of the blue banner
Leader of the blue combat banner
Abel is one of the two leaders of the Blue Banner. She grew up alone with her mother and always proved her will to fight. In search of her father, Argon Greywolf, she encountered many different races and beings from many different lands. Finally, she landed with the Kludden, who welcomed her warmly. After acknowledging her affiliation with the Kludden, she received her Kludden fur, which is also her trademark. After many failed attempts as a healer and many wounds later, she felt more comfortable on the front lines of battle. So she already supported the former banner leader of the Blue Banner of the Feast of Diversity, before she herself was elected to it, by the oldest council of the Kludden and the Blue Corner. Diplomacy, diversity and cordiality are very important to her and she shows this in her leadership together with Arec the Fox.
Arec the fox, banner leader of the blue banner
Leader of the blue combat banner
Arec is one of the two leaders of the Blue Banner. The mercenary captain hails from the southeastern part of the continent of Kalgora.
At a young age, he joined the mercenary order of the Black Widow, where he quickly earned the rank of captain through skill and wise decisions. Since then he has been roaming the countryside with his coterie. Chance alone led him into the ranks of the Feste, where he joined the Blue Banner. Impressed by the people who fought side by side with him and by their visions of a free life, he put his coterie at the service of the Banner. After years of struggle, however, the Guard called him into their ranks. This, however, was not for the battle-hardened warrior and when the call for a new banner leader grew louder, he seized the opportunity and formed a dual leadership with Abel. He is quickly recognized by his unusual crest; a black spider sitting on a red hourglass.
Ripper, Captain of the Caradoc Company
“Au pire, on meurt” (At the worst, we die)
Ripper is the Captain of the Caradoc Company and therefore is its military leader. He’s also known among the Caradoc as the “Master of Pleasures”. He don’t talk much about his homeland and younth. He’s from Bretonnia and have been a Mercenary for years before he travelled to Mythodea. With his companions, the “Rastor company”, a mercenary archer group, they joined the Caradoc to fight the forsaken with the Earth Camp. When the Earth camp disbanded, he was the last member of the Rastor group so he followed the Caradoc to the Feste der Vielfalt. Later, during a tough battle in the Mirror world, Ripper had to trade his bow for a shield and sword to fight on front line and kept this role for years after that. After he failed to get promoted as the front line Sergent, he got in an argument with the new Sergent that made him leave the front line. He joined a hammer team to break lines and fight golems and started to wield a great mace. After a while, the Caradoc Company choose him as their new Captain to lead them on the battlefield. He can be recognized by his worn tabard and massive 2 handed winged mace he still carrying on the battlefield. He’s known to be a cold and blunt asshole but some says he soften with some drinks and can be of good company. His companions even named him “Master of Pleasures” because of some business he had some years ago.
Kap, Leader White Banner
Coming soon...
In the Feste, there is something to do for everyone - if you know the right people to contact.
Rufus, First Magician
Head of the Arkaneum
Rufus is an academy mage from the academy of Dalarn in Azeroth. He’s traveling with the guardians of the black gate since the 16th year a.d. Together with Fion they established the Arkaneum in the 20th year a.d. to create place for all the magical casters of the fortress of diversity. Rufus is a hermetic and is specialised in analysing, securing and unlocking articacts. You can recognise him by his purple robes and his (seemingly) confused character.
Kathleen vom Weiherhof
First scribe of the commandery
Growing up in a small village in Aquitaine, Kathleen actually wanted to become a priestess. However, when her younger sister disappeared in search of adventure on the distant continent of Mythodea, Kathleen set out to find her. Once here, she quickly realized that her skills as a healer were urgently needed, so she discarded the priestess’s life plan, began training as a doctor, and returned to the continent every summer for many years, where she gradually made many friends. In order to offer the warriors a place where they could forget the horrors of battle, but also to exchange ideas with others, she also founded the TerraBierBar, which over time became a central place of the Fortress of Diversity. Eventually, she finally turned her back on her old life and stayed on the continent year-round. The blonde woman is most recognizable by her embroidered tunic and the Terra symbol she proudly wears around her neck.
Deirdre Arianrhod vom Hain, Terra’s Gardener
Protector of Terras Garden
Deirdre is a druid from Andergast (Aventuria) who has been traveling Mythodea since the third seal was rediscovered. She followed the call of the avatar of Terra and explored the continent with the people of the earth camp, where she was interested in the many different living beings. Whether animal, plant or cultural people – Deirdre respects every being of the first creation. And so it is little wonder that she caught the attention of the Quihen Assil Terras and became known as Terra’s Gardener. When circumstances permit, she set up altars in small gardens to worship Terra and her siblings. And frequently these are places of power, ritual places where you may gain the attention of the elements.
Halfdan, First Messenger
Leader of the Messengers
Halfdan comes from the small mountain village of Schluchtenfall, where he takes care of the forest. He is the coordinator of the messengers in the Fortress of Diversity (Feste der Vielfalt) and on the road most of the time to deliver news and reports. So he gets around a lot, knows a lot of people and usually knows pretty well what’s going on. You get to know him at the latest when he walks around the Feste and brings everyone important news from the Kommandantur (Commandery). When he’s on the battlefield, he spends most of his time looking at what’s happening where and reporting to Kaela or bringing her orders to the individual banners. You can recognize Halfdan by his patchwork leather poncho and felt hat that he wears most of the time. He is also quick to salute anyone who is in charge, is his friend, has his respect, or otherwise might have earned it.
Ben Al’Habib, Quartiermeister
Person responsible for the supply of the Feste
Ben comes from the city of Al Marsa in the land of eternal sand and the Al Habib trading dynasty that has been based there for many generations. Circumstances forced him to leave the city and seek his fortune in other lands. On the mythodean continent, he now runs a flourishing trade office with his brother and maintains contacts with a wide variety of personalities. Rumors say that the warehouses of the Al Habibs in Holzbrück are always full to bursting. And yet, few know why the goods from the realms are so eagerly moved in and out, since the Al Habibs have no fiefdom or official title in the country. The business opportunities and his aversion to the undead were the ideal basis for the establishment of the Quartermaster’s Office and the Yellow Banner in the Fortress of Diversity (Feste der Vielfalt). Those looking for Ben will find him during the day organizing business in the Quartermaster’s Office, with the Yellow Banner on the battlefield, or having a glass of tea. After dark, he has been seen in the troop, though rarely in the taverns there. Ben seems to have taken a liking to the Dawn, at least that’s what some drunken sailors once claimed.
Katanga, First guardsman
First guardsman of the Fortress of Diversity.
Sir Katholdt von Breydenbach – called Katanga – is the first guardsman of the Fortress of Diversity. Nasty legends and rumours surround his origins and the course of his unusually long life. Allegedly, he grew up as an outlaw of the Breydenbach family among the members of the swamp people of Hal and therefore allegedly practised the profession that every male Hal there has always practised: Katanga murdered for gold. Over decades, great guilt grew in his soul and the split-off revenge of those who found death through him haunts him to this day in the form of the violent Sekh. Finally, after Katanga – close to madness – sought death on the world’s battlefields in the front line and did not find it, the guard captain and Knight of Light Migosh of Lichtenruh redeemed him. He entrusted Katanga with paying off his rampant debt as a guardsman. From now on, Katanga would protect lives and prevent assassinations on behalf of the fortress. One day may the number of those whose lives he single-handedly took be as great as those saved. It is said that Katanga can only die when that day comes (and that may be some time yet). You will always find him near the commandant’s office or in the field protecting the members of the commandant’s office. You can recognise him by his grim look and foul mood. And if you don’t see him near the commandant’s office, be sure: he sees YOU very well (P.S.: With a jug of wine and a good cheese, his mood changes for the better in just a heartbeat).
Leopold von Stirland, Investigator
Investigator of the Fortress of diversity
Leopold is originally from the Mortal Realms, where he belonged to an order of witch hunters of the Empire throughout his life. When he reached Mitraspera in the 17th year a.d., he met by chance the Fortress of Diversity (Feste der Vielfalt), in which he joined the Purple Banner. The plan to turn to his profession as a field healer and alchemist was very soon put on the back by his job as Investigator. His task as such is the internal security of the Fortress of Diversity. Leopold can be recognized by his conspicuously high leather hat and his brown leather coat.
Baron James T. Fireblade jr., Head of the F.A.C.C.
Head of the F.A.C.C.
Baron James T. Fireblade Jr, the alchemist, magician and know-it-all of first-rate quality, originates from the land of Impiltur on Faerun, the Forgotten Kingdoms. His beloved hometown of Goldenburg was torn away from there many years ago and has been leaping through the spheres ever since. After the first jump, James was sent out with a small entourage to explore the surrounding countryside. When they returned, the city had already jumped further. Since then, James has been doing everything in his power to find his city again. His research therefore led him to Mitraspera, where over the years many magisters and sphere masters were able to help him at least follow Goldenburg’s trail. During the summer campaign, the Baron of Noise and Smoke settled in the camp of Terra, which was somewhat similar to his hometown. James always remained loyal to the Fortress of diversity that emerged from it. There he also found a second home and joined the powerful Jarl Laertes Borund of Dros Rock as a court alchemist, to whom he was bound in deep friendship. In the fortress, James also found other alchemists and with them he founded the Free Alchemical Cauldron Community (FACC). This free branch of the Alchemists’ Guild of Mitraspera is always pleased to receive abstruse tasks, exchange insights or welcome guests with strong drinks.